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Weather Forecast Gdańsk

Accurate weather forecast based on a combination of different models using machine learning. Updated 12:53.

Current Weather Gdańsk, 13:54

No precipitation over the next hour.

Partly sunny Partly sunny
No Precipitation

Gdańsk: Hourly Forecast

Partly sunny. Temperature 0/9 °C.

SunriseSunrise: 06:54
SunsetSunset: 16:01

Gdańsk: weather overview

Gdańsk: What is the weather like this weekend?

On Saturday, it will be mostly cloudy, fewer clouds in the evening, temperature 4/7 °C. On Sunday, it will be partly sunny in the morning changing to mostly cloudy in the afternoon and fog later in the evening, temperature 4/7 °C.

Gdańsk: What is the weather like tomorrow?

Tomorrow, it will be fog in the morning and evening, sunny in the afternoon. Temperature 1/8 °C. To compare, the temperature for today ranges between -1 and 9 °C.

Gdańsk: precipitation in the following days